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    空調即空氣調節(air conditioning),是指用人工手段

    網址:www.socoolye.com時間:2023-12-14 16:39:32(部分內容來源于網絡,不代表本站觀點)

    空調即空氣調節(air conditioning),是指用人工手段,對建筑/構筑物內環境空氣的溫度、濕度、潔凈度、速度等參數進行調節和控制的過程。一般包括冷源/熱源設備,冷熱介質輸配系統,末端裝置等幾大部分和其他輔助設備。主要包括水泵、風機和管路系統。末端裝置則負責利用輸配來的冷熱量,具體處理空氣,使目標環境的空氣參數達到要求。
    Air conditioning, also known as air conditioning, refers to the process of manually adjusting and controlling the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, speed, and other parameters of the ambient air inside a building/structure. Generally, it includes several parts such as cold/heat source equipment, cold and hot medium transmission and distribution systems, end devices, and other auxiliary equipment. Mainly including water pumps, fans, and piping systems. The end device is responsible for utilizing the cold and heat generated from the transmission and distribution to specifically process the air and ensure that the air parameters of the target environment meet the requirements.
    家用空調的種類分為很多種,其中常見的包括掛壁式空調、立柜式空調 、窗式空調和吊頂式空調,但是這些產品各有特點,價格也各不相同,要根據自己的需求來挑選。
    There are many types of household air conditioners, including wall mounted air conditioners, cabinet mounted air conditioners, window mounted air conditioners, and ceiling mounted air conditioners. However, these products have their own characteristics and prices, and you need to choose according to your own needs.
    After the air conditioner is powered on, the low-pressure steam of the refrigerant in the refrigeration system is sucked in by the compressor and compressed into high-pressure steam, which is then discharged to the condenser. At the same time, the outdoor air sucked in by the axial fan flows through the condenser, taking away the heat released by the refrigerant, causing the high-pressure refrigerant vapor to condense into a high-pressure liquid. High pressure liquid is sprayed into the evaporator after passing through the filter and throttling mechanism, and evaporates at the corresponding low pressure to absorb surrounding heat. At the same time, the through flow fan continuously enters the fins of the evaporator for heat exchange, and sends the cooled air that has been released into the room. In this way, the indoor air continuously circulates and flows, achieving the goal of reducing temperature.










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